This brilliant new generation of graphic's panels
shows animations or text to create the most
attention grabbing display you could want indoors or out.
Mix text and graphics to get your message over in a totally
unique way.
These displays work better than any other display technology
to catch viewers' attention from a greater distance. A huge
range of sizes and resolutions are available from small
displays for close up viewing to lower resolution displays
for long viewing distances..
Simple software interface to load your own graphics, .gif
or other animations via a PC, connectivity is available
via Serial or Ethernet as standard.
Models are available for both Indoor and Outdoor applications
either in a single colour or Tri-colour format showing 256
shades of red, green & yellow.
The Tri-colour displays are also available with an interface
suitable for many existing cinema booking systems.
Graphic Panels
LED Signs
Moving Message Displays
Traffic Control
Vehicle Activated Signs
LED Clocks
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