clocks are the brightest, highest profile way of getting
time across to your staff, visitors or the public. An
LED clock is the clearest display for a given size and
ideal for larger viewing areas. They're accurate and can
be linked together to synchronise easily.
As standard with Class A accuracy (+/- 30 seconds per
year). Optional DCF radio link for maximum accuracy. A
Memory backup ensures that if you have a power failure
the clock automatically remembers the correct time when
power is restored..Available in single or double sided
models displaying Hours & Minutes (HH:MM) or optionally
seconds (HH:MM:SS).
The time can be adjusted via a PC, infra red remote, software
or switches on the case. The displays can also be optionally
configured to show Date and Temperature (requires temperature
probe), display parameter times are adjustable to show
one, two or all three parameters in intervals 0-99 secs..
options include multiple time zone displays to show world
time displays or configured as an event timer counting
up or down or simply used as a stopwatch.
LED Clock,LED Clocks,LED Clock Displays,LED Clock Signs,LED Temperature,LED temp,HK, China, Singapore and Asia
LED Signs
Moving Message Displays
Traffic Control
Vehicle Activated Signs
LED Clocks
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